Winning 客户满意度: A SkyPostal Thought On The Matter

提交的搜索引擎优化编辑器 on星期一,2019年1月28日- 09:05

Does Latin American customer satisfaction differ at all from other regions? For companies whose 跨境电子商务 sales take them into the Southern Hemisphere, 特别是中美洲和南美洲, 这是一个紧迫的问题.

在这篇文章中, we’ll discuss how in-country customer support can benefit e-commerce companies in their attempt to improve international customer satisfaction scores.

面对面vs. 在线:商业的不同

的兴起 跨境电子商务 has brought a lot of new product choices and simplified shopping for consumers in emerging markets like Latin America. 但机遇伴随着挑战.

根据 Invesp, at least 30% of all products ordered online are returned, compared to under 9% for traditional retail. 然而, 92% of consumers will stay loyal if returns are easy.

没有面对面的, 与顾客的店内互动, e-commerce retailers rely on customer support centers and websites to handle things like returns and troubleshooting.

当涉及到跨境电子商务, 语言障碍, 文化差异, time zone differences all make taking care of the customer more difficult. While local retailers don’t have to deal with these complications, there are ways for e-commerce companies to stay competitive by encouraging online customer satisfaction.


Local customer support creates better customer satisfaction scores.
Local customer support creates better customer satisfaction scores. – 图片来源



In-country customer support can help small- to medium-sized e-commerce companies even the playing field with local Latin American companies. 没有运费和关税, locally made products are often less expensive than foreign e-commerce options. 除此之外, 88%的消费者 say local businesses offer better, more personalized service.

本土公司具有先天优势, but employing local people who understand the culture to provide customer service in the local language can help international companies stay competitive in the race to build brand loyalty.

面对这些障碍, it’s all the more important to utilize international customer satisfaction scores. Customer satisfaction scores help you measure how loyal customers are to your company. The investment made to expand into foreign markets can be wiped away quickly if you don’t monitor the loyalty of your customers in those regions.

Measuring 客户满意度

有一个 各种各样的方式 公司可以衡量客户满意度, including Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT). NPS measures how likely customers are to recommend a product or company to someone else, 1到10分. CSAT asks how satisfied customers are with certain interactions, like the purchasing process or customer support.


There are various types of customer surveys to choose from for your business.
There are various types of customer surveys to choose from for your business. – 图片来源


Measuring customer support interactions is particularly important for 跨境电子商务 companies selling in Latin America. 根据 尼尔森, Latin American consumers (59%) say that enhanced customer service is critical for them to remain loyal to a brand.

While CSAT and NPS questionnaires are relatively simple, that doesn’t mean there aren’t regional differences in the way consumers approach them. It’s important to know how to read the results of these questionnaires to effectively gauge Latin American customer satisfaction.

然而, Latin American consumers are less likely to voice complaints, which can make gauging customer satisfaction in Latin America difficult. 为了对抗这种趋势, 美洲市场情报 建议“harnessing social media, utilizing mystery shopping and other indirect channels of communication” to effectively measure Latin American customer satisfaction.

HubSpot的 提供了另一个建议:“’”in-country, cross-company’ loyalty score assessment approach.换句话说, comparing your scores to similar companies within the same country will allow you to know whether you’re under- or over-performing.

SkyPostal Can Help Boost Customer Satisfaction

根据 《bet36体育投注官网》, 49% of Latin American consumers will abandon a brand they love after one bad customer experience. 跨境电子商务, one of the most important elements of the customer service experience is the logistics process, 从运输到退货.

SkyPostal does more than offer competitive pricing and shipping times. SkyPostal provides local customer service in every country we do business in, meaning Latin American consumers have access to local representatives to understand their issue and help with the logistics process. 多年来, we’ve developed relationships with the best delivery partners and service providers in over 25 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, 如 墨西哥, 智利, 哥伦比亚, 巴西.

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